Posts Tagged 'JOSEPH VITALE'

Students Join Stand Against Sexual Assault

Students Join Stand Against Sexual Assault

Navy blue and awkwardly lengthy, the standard residence hall mattress is difficult to lug around. Typically a twin XL, its bedbug-proof material makes it difficult to grasp without constant re-adjustment. Walking with it above one’s head takes the balance of an Olympian. The weight of the object seems to double with every step.

Students Gather For Police Brutality Vigil

Students Gather For Police Brutality Vigil

After a summer marked by incidents of police brutality that ignited protests and sparked a national conversation about policing in America, students, faculty and staff gathered on McGinley Center Lawn on Tuesday to honor and remember those who have lost their lives in instances of police brutality.

University Issues Ebola Guidelines

University Issues Ebola Guidelines

Fordham University Student Health Services on Monday echoed the Center for Disease Control’s effort to quell a concerned public about the dangers of the Ebola virus by barring students, faculty and staff from traveling to the West African region where outbreaks have occurred in recent months.

Accord Reached on Faculty Benefits

Accord Reached on Faculty Benefits

Settling more than a year of negotiations regarding salary and benefits that has frustrated university faculty members and spurred the resignation of the administration’s chief negotiator, the Faculty Senate and university administrators reached a final agreement for a new insurance provider and improved package benefits.

In Walsh, Upgrades for Only a Few

In Walsh, Upgrades for Only a Few

When the six residents of Walsh 1002 returned for their third year this past August, they discovered the apartment’s kitchen — a narrow pocket of space tucked between the living room and the apartment’s three bedrooms and two bathrooms — had been completely refurbished.

New iOS 8 Update: Worth the Hype?

New iOS 8 Update: Worth the Hype?

If Apple is good at one thing, it is building a massive amount of hype around its product launches. Its latest gadget is its most beautiful, one of the speakers at its developer’s conferences will say. The banners will warn of a life changing announcement, one that symbolizes the biggest leap in the California company’s long history.