Student Alleges Officials Violated Protocol

FUEMS ram archives

The student accused FUEMS of violating medical confidentiality protocol. Fordham Ram Archives

By Laura Sanicola

A Fordham University student has accused Fordham Public Safety and Fordham University Emergency Medical Services (FUEMS) of mishandling an alleged sexual assault and violating medical protocol in an article released Sunday evening on Slant News, a digital news website consisting of crowdsourced content.

Marissa Marcinelli, FCRH ’17, penned “An Open Letter To The Fordham University Emergency Services Who Failed Me” on the news site. She described a Nov. 11 incident in which FUEMS questioned her and two of her female friends after they requested that Public Safety pay off the taxi driver who allegedly attempted to sexually assault her friend.

Marcinelli accused FUEMS of treating her friends with both apathy and aggression, while also violating medical confidential protocol, when questioning her about her medical history in front of her friends as well as FUEMS and Public Safety officers.

“The FUEMS personnel violated HIPAA (The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) laws,” Marcinelli told The Fordham Ram. “Not only that, but they treated our situation in which we as the victims were blamed for the incident.”

HIPAA includes a privacy rule, which establishes national standards to protect individuals’ medical records and other personal health information. This applies to health plans, health care clearing houses and those health care providers that conduct certain health care transactions electronically. However, information volunteered by an individuals in the presence of others who are not pertinent health care providers is not explicitly deemed confidential by HIPAA.

Marcinelli also objected to being questioned by FUEMS as to why she took Prozac and Xanax. “I felt violated talking about my personal struggles with generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder; [it] is something I choose to disclose to few people, under terms I am comfortable with,” she wrote in the article.

According to protocol, FUEMS staff must gather all health information that may be relevant to the individual, including medications, prior medical history and diagnoses, in order to submit a complete health report, or PCR, to the hospital.

Marcinelli alleged that the driver was supposed to take the girls from Chelsea to their off-campus apartments in the Bronx at 2 a.m. but stopped on Fordham Road. After the group paid the driver, Marcinelli recalled that the taxi driver wanted more than the cash fare they had paid him, and “proceeded to get in the back of the cab and grope, kiss and attempt to rape my friend on the basis that we ‘still owed him,’” she wrote in the article.

She recounted that Public Safety officers repaid the alleged assailant in the lobby of the office and allowed him to leave without taking down his license plate or cab number.

Neither Marcinelli nor her friends had taken down that information or called out for help to bystanders, she reported.

“The event happened so quickly that we were only able to deal with it as we did in that moment of panic,” she told The Fordham Ram on Monday morning. “Upon arrival at Public Safety, we assumed and trusted that prosecution of the perpetrator would be handled, however he was allowed to leave.”

Director of Public Safety John Carroll asserted that Public Safety serves students at all times. “I hope that every student here knows that we’re only here to help,” Carroll said. “That’s our only role.”

Marcinelli believed that Public Safety was biased in their line of questioning to her and her friends about the incident because she and her friends had been intoxicated.

“[The questions] were asked in a way that would suggest that my friends and I were the ones at fault for being intoxicated and taking a cab,” she wrote in the article.

She also addressed the university: “I am embarrassed and disgusted that an institution which prides itself in being established in Jesuit ideals treats their students in such a condemning way, especially in an hour of need.”

Bob Howe, senior director of communications at Fordham, released the following statement about the incident: “University officials read Ms. Marcinelli’s open letter this morning. The allegations are very grave: we are taking her taking her account of the incident seriously, and are investigating the actions of the University personnel and students involved.”

Nishant Sahoo, GSB ’16 and chief of medical operations of Fordham University Emergency Medical Services (FUEMS) declined comment on legal grounds.

Katie Meyer contributed reporting

There are 4 comments

  1. ED RN

    Just as this child, does not understand that mixing her anti anxiety medications with alcohol is dangerous. She obviously, does not understand how HIPAA works. Emergency settings have different rules. I think she should learn the actual HIPAA law and abstain from alcohol, in the future.

    1. ED RN

      Just finished reading the slant article. I’m not sure how old this girl is, but if she is not 21, her BAC needs to be 0.0. Alcohol is broken down 0.03 percent an hour. So, if she is underage and admitted to drinking, FUEMS had every right to question her about PMH and medications. This is not a HIPAA violation. HIPAA acknowledges that ED/emergency settings can not always be “private”. Signing a form to decline treatment is also a standard. No, you do not get to see the report. You have to file forms and go through the proper channels to get your medical record. This is healthcare standard. Not sure how FUEMS failed this girl. It is sad, that she feels her mental health diagnosis is embarrassing to reveal. The FUEMS students are EMTs. They need to assess their patients and based on PMH/ Meds/ they decide if a student should be transported to ED or if they can leave. Vital signs are a minor part of an assessment. So, please don’t think that if your vital signs are fine that you are okay. Did I read that this student told EMS to google her Meds? Sounds like a Jesuit to me! Wow, very hypocritical. As an ED nurse, I’m not believing much if this story.

      1. snooki81

        I am not sure what HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules your reading, but the one I just read from the Journal of Emergency Medicine, which cites does not state anything about ” emergency settings ” having different rules . Moreover, EMS is allowed to ask questions, but they must just like any other covered entity take into consideration where they are questioning the person, what questions they are asking, how they are asking the questions? etc.. For example, EMS asks personal questions inside an ambulance, if they are not transporting to a hospital and a patient has refused care there would be no need to continue the questions or inquiry of the patients medical history. I don’t know this student but I believe that when EMS arrived she and her friend were sober and they were not being transported so there would be no need to ask medical history.

        I feel that maybe you being an RN has tainted your views and what really happens in the real world, but that’s just my humble opinion.
